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  • Bowman Law Introduces Online Scheduling

    Posted on June 5, 2014 by in Administrative, NC Unemployment Benefits, NC Workers' Compensation, Personal Injury, Social Security

    Bowman Law has just launched online scheduling. This new feature will allow clients and potential clients the opportunity to make appointments online, with a real-time view of the available meeting times. This new service also includes appointment confirmations, reminders, and the ability to reschedule or cancel appointments if plans change.

    So what does the process look like from the client's (or potential client's) point of view. . .

    I'm glad you asked! We've placed appointment scheduling prompts throughout our website. They look like the one over there (up and to your right).

    When users click on the link, they are taken to this site:

    . . . where users can select the type of appointment they would like to have. From here, users can choose a time that suits their schedule. After filing out a brief form (like this one)

    . . . the user hits "Finish" and they have made an appointment. The request then appears on the firm's calendar and the client (or potential client) receives a confirmation email.

    We hope you like our new service, and we're excited for it's first use. So, I encourage you to make an appointment today!

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